
Arlington Car Accident Lawyer

Since 1997, the Law Office of Doug Goyen has represented Arlington, Texas residents who have been injured in car accidents. We provide our clients with aggressive, experienced, and powerful representation. You can rely on us to obtain the compensation you deserve for your case. Attorney Goyen has settled thousands of personal injury cases and recovered millions of dollars in settlements for his clients. Call (972) 599 4100 if you need an Arlington car accident lawyer. We will begin working on your case right away.

Call For A Free Case Review (972) 599 4100


In 2019 there were 7,051 auto accidents reported in Arlington, Texas according to the Texas Department of Transportation. The following four intersections in Arlington typically have the highest number of collisions in the city.

Distracted drivers on cellphones have pushed the numbers up in recent years, resulting in more accidents and injuries. We assist our clients in recovering what is owed to them as a result of personal injuries sustained in automobile accidents. We assist our clients in personal injury cases involving accidents in a variety of ways, the most common of which are as follows:

  • If our client does not know where to go for medical treatment, we assist them in locating a medical facility that will treat their injury.
  • We assist our clients in locating a medical facility that will treat them and defer billing until we force the insurance company to pay the money that they owe for your injury.
  • We assist our clients in obtaining reimbursement from their insurance companies for vehicle damage.
  • We assist our clients in obtaining funds from their insurance companies to pay their medical bills.
  • We assist our clients in obtaining payment from their insurance company to compensate for lost wages.
  • We assist our clients by convincing the insurance company to pay the full amount of the settlement for their pain and suffering.

If you have been injured in an accident, call the Law Office of Doug Goyen today at (972) 599 4100 or use our website contact form. Our job is to get you paid for your car accident and injury claims. There is no fee unless you win!

No Fee Unless You Win Call (972) 599 4100


Car accidents can be disastrous not only for your health but also for your finances. You may be concerned about severe injuries, medical bills, lost wages and lost earning capacity. A car accident's emotional trauma can leave you mentally scarred for the rest of your life. Fortunately, you have legal recourse under Texas law.
If you were seriously injured in a car accident caused by someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Damages are classified into two types: economic and non-economic.
Economic or "special damages" are the first type of damage. These damages are meant to compensate the victim for all expenses incurred as a result of the accident. Special damages that a victim or victim's family member may be able to recover include medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and lost future income.
Non-economic or general damages are the second type of damage. These damages compensate the victim for more difficult-to-quantify harm. Pain and suffering are the most common types of non-economic damages. It determines the monetary value of the victim's losses as a result of the car accident. Other general damages include loss of consortium, loss of companionship, and loss of life enjoyment, all of which attempt to put a monetary value on a tragic loss or the victim's inability to live life normally following the accident.
Our team of car accident attorneys at the Law Office of Doug Goyen will fight for the full and fair compensation you deserve. We will not hesitate to take your case to trial if the insurance company does not offer you a settlement that covers all of your expenses. Our highly skilled trial lawyers have assisted our clients in obtaining millions of dollars in compensation through jury verdicts and settlements. A sizable portion of that comes from personal injury claims resulting from car accidents.

Car accident injuries can be as varied as the types of collisions that cause them. Your position in the car, how you are hit, and whether or not you are wearing your seat belt all influence how your body reacts to the force of a collision. Injuries are not uncommon even in minor accidents.
Following an accident, it is critical to seek treatment from an auto injury doctor in order to have injuries treated as soon as possible and properly. Keep a close eye on your body and mind in the coming weeks, as some symptoms may not be apparent right away.

Call For A Free Case Review (972) 599 4100


Car accident cases are frequently complex and necessitate the assistance of skilled accident attorneys. Insurance companies will offer inadequate settlements to accident victims who are unaware of the value of their claim and will try to settle quickly, knowing that victims must pay medical bills and other expenses. Car accident attorneys are zealous advocates for victims, standing up and demanding fair and just compensation for their client's claims.

The Law Office of Doug Goyen's Arlington car accident lawyer will do the following:

  • Investigate your car accident and identify all responsible parties.
  • Find all relevant insurance policies, whether held by you or any other responsible parties.
  • Obtain your medical records so that our experts can review them and determine your recovery prognosis.
  • Make a list of your past, current, and projected costs and losses as a result of the accident, including future financial and medical care requirements.
  • File accident claims with insurance companies and will negotiate all necessary settlements
  • Submit a car accident lawsuit to the appropriate court.
  • If necessary, present your case in a court of law.

If you have already received a settlement offer from an insurance company, you should have it reviewed by an attorney at the Law Office of Doug Goyen. Our Arlington personal injury lawyer can assess your car accident claim and ensure that any settlement amount and terms cover not only your immediate needs but also future expenses.

No Fee Unless You Win Call (972) 599 4100

The following is a checklist of what to do following a car accident. The checklist can be used in any auto accident and is designed to help those who have been injured in a car wreck. The list has information specific to Arlington residents.
At the scene of the car accident:
1. Make sure that everyone is okay. Check on yourself first, then your passengers, and finally, if possible, people in other vehicles. Check on everyone's well-being, and if anyone is hurt, call 911 right away.
2. If an injury occurs, call 911. If anyone is hurt in the accident, call 911, they will dispatch police and emergency personnel. When the police arrive, cooperate with them and give them your version of what happened. Always tell the truth to the police. You should go to the hospital if the ambulance service recommends it. They are trained professionals who understand that certain symptoms may indicate a dangerous situation. It is always preferable to be safe rather than sorry.
If the Arlington Police Department investigated your accident, you can order a copy of your accident report by following instructions found on the City of Arlington's website here: Arlington Police Department Accident Reports
3. Gather any witness information you can. If there are any witnesses to the accident, obtain their names, phone numbers, and any other contact information they may provide. Even if the other driver admits fault, they may change their story when the police arrive. If this occurs, you must provide the witness information to the police officer. When people who are at fault in an accident return home and speak with their insurance company, they may change their story. Give your lawyer the witness information in case it is required.
4. Exchange your insurance and identification. While you wait for the police to arrive, you should exchange information with the other drivers. Texas law requires all drivers involved in a car accident to exchange identification and insurance information, regardless of whether they believe you are at fault. Everyone must share their information. Take photos of the other drivers' identification and auto insurance with your cellphone.
5. Take photographs. If you are able, you should photograph the damage to the other vehicles at the scene. Take pictures of the damage to your own car as well. Take photos of the accident scene, including tire marks on the road, debris from the accident, and the scene of the accident showing the lanes and traffic, the intersection (if at an intersection), and anything else that will help someone understand what happened and how the accident occurred.
NOTE: If you are unable to complete this checklist due to your injury, you must summon a friend or family member to the accident scene to assist you.
6. Provide the officer with your statement. Cooperate with the officer of the law. When the officer arrives on the scene, he or she will interview each person involved separately, away from the other people involved. You must ensure that you provide your statement to the officer. If you are in pain, discomfort, or have any type of injury, you must notify the officer so that it can be noted on the accident report.
7. Allow paramedics to examine you if you are injured. You should go to the emergency room if the paramedics advise you to. Paramedics are trained and experienced in identifying symptoms and signs that indicate you may be more injured than you realize.
Some people choose to drive themselves or have someone else drive them to the emergency room. When people leave the accident scene and return home, the pain worsens and becomes an emergency. If you are needing to go to the emergency room Arlington has several choices. The following emergency rooms are located in Arlington, Texas:
TotalCare Emergency Room - 3321 S. Cooper St, Arlington, Texas.
Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital Emergency Room - 800 W. Randol Mill Rd, Arlington, Texas.
USMD Hospital at Arlington: Emergency Room - 801 W. Interstate 20, Arlington, Texas.
Medical City Arlington Emergency Room - 3301 Matlock Rd, Arlington, Texas.
No Fee Unless You Win Call (972) 599 4100
The first thing you should do after leaving an accident in which you have been injured is to contact a personal injury attorney. Make sure you speak with an attorney before hiring them. Consult a lawyer about your situation. Inquire about any concerns you have and pay attention to their advice. Personal injury lawyers offer free consultations for car accident cases, so contacting them will not cost you anything.
1) If you have been injured in the accident, do not speak with the insurance company. The insurance company is looking for ways to avoid paying injury claims in car accidents. If you talk to them, they will try to ask you questions that will allow them to avoid paying a portion or all of your claim. You are not trained in accident investigations or how insurance adjusters and their lawyers frame questions to get you to say things that they can claim are admissions on your part that you were at fault for part or all of an accident.
2) Get medical attention for your injuries. If you are injured, you must seek medical attention. If you were taken to the hospital or drove yourself there after the accident, the hospital only checks to make sure you don't have any life-threatening injuries. If you have a serious but non-life-threatening back or neck injury (or another serious but non-life-threatening injury), the hospital will release you and it will be up to you to seek treatment for your injury.
3) Get your own estimate for the damage to your vehicle. The insurance company always writes their initial estimates lower than what it will actually cost to repair a vehicle. They do this in the hopes that you will forego having your vehicle repaired and simply pocket the money. Every time someone does this, it saves insurance companies money.
Issues arise when you want to have your vehicle repaired but the insurance company changes its mind and decides to deny your claim. Your lawyer will need to file a lawsuit for your injuries as well as the damage to your vehicle. You should not rely on the insurance company's estimate for how much it will cost to repair your vehicle; remember, they always write their original estimate for less than what it will actually cost to repair it. Get your own estimate that shows you exactly how much it will cost to repair your vehicle.
Body Shops: If you were in an accident, most body shops will give you a free estimate. They want your business. The following body shops are in the Arlington area and will write an estimate and will do the repairs.
Clark Brothers Paint & Body - 2003 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, Texas.
Don Davis Body Shop - 2111 W. Division St, Arlington, Texas.
DFW BODY AND AUTO REPAIR - 815 W. Division St, Arlington, Texas.
Trans Auto Body - 1204 Colorado Ln., Arlington, Texas.
Caliber Collision - 926 W. Division, Arlington, Texas.
Rental Cars: While your vehicle is undrivable, or while it is being repaired you may need a rental car. When you call the rental car company make sure they know you were in an accident and give them the insurance company's information. Most rental car companies will set it up so the insurance company pays them directly. If you need a rental, the following rental car companies are in the Arlington area:
Avis Car Rental - 2904 S. Cooper, Arlington, Texas.
Dollar Car Rental - 201 N. Collins St, Arlington, Texas.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car - 3001 A, S. Cooper St, Arlington, Texas.
4) Inform your lawyer if you are having difficulty getting treatment. An attorney who specializes in car accident cases will be able to refer you to a facility that can treat your injury. Inform your attorney if you are unable to afford treatment. Personal injury attorneys can issue letters of protection to medical facilities that accept them. A letter of protection assures the medical facility that they will be paid once the insurance company's claim is paid. A personal injury attorney who specializes in auto accidents will have a list of medical facilities in the area that accept letters of protection and can treat you for your injury.
5) Give your attorney all of your accident-related bills and records. Give your lawyer copies of all documents, letters, correspondence, bills, records, reports, photos, video, audio, and anything else related to your accident and injury. They require copies of everything related to your accident, vehicle damage, and injury. Include any explanations of benefits (EOBs) from any health insurance that may have covered a portion of your injury claim. The attorney requires copies of everything to ensure that nothing is overlooked during the investigation of your case and that all necessary information is gathered to ensure that you receive full compensation for your case.
6) Maintain contact with your lawyer. The majority of clients maintain contact with their attorneys. However, people may move, get married, divorce, or experience some other life event that causes them to lose contact with their lawyer. Your lawyer must be able to communicate with you. If you move, change phones, change emails, or anything else that may affect how your lawyer can contact you, please notify your lawyer so that they can contact you about your case.
Call For A Free Case Review (972) 599 4100


The Law Office of Doug Goyen handles personal injury cases throughout Texas. This includes car crash cases (automobiles, 18-wheelers, motorcycles, pedestrians struck by vehicles, and so on), premises cases (such as injuries caused by a dangerous condition on a property), dog bite cases (or other animals where the owner let their animal loose or had a dangerous animal and the owner's negligence causes injury to someone else), workplace injuries, and other injuries caused by the wrongful act of another.
Car Accident Lawyer - We deal with the insurance company and protect your rights while you focus on getting better and caring for yourself and those around you.
Truck Accident Lawyer - Large commercial trucks cause significant damage and injuries. We will fight for you to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve and that your rights are protected while you recover.
DWI Accident Lawyer - Every year, drunk drivers cause serious injuries and deaths. We go up against their insurance companies to get you compensated for the damage and injury they caused you.
Pedestrian Accident Lawyer - Pedestrians who are hit by a vehicle can sustain serious injuries. We represent people who have been injured by negligent drivers and assist them in obtaining compensation for their injuries.
Bicycle Accident Lawyer - Bicyclists are at risk of serious injury if they are hit by a vehicle. We represent bicyclists who have been hit by careless drivers.
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer - We fight for the rights of motorcyclists who have been hurt by careless drivers. We are fighting for full compensation from the insurance company.
Wrongful Death Lawyer - When someone dies as a result of negligence from a motor vehicle accident, the family and estate have a claim against the negligent parties. We represent families and estates in obtaining restitution for their losses.
Personal Injury Lawyer - In addition to dealing with the pain caused by your injury, you may be faced with mounting medical bills and expenses while you are unable to work. At the Law Office of Doug Goyen, our personal injury attorneys will take immediate, strategic, and aggressive action on your case to obtain the maximum compensation you deserve.

Call For A Free Case Review (972) 599 4100


Do you need to speak to a personal injury lawyer in Arlington, Texas? Call the Law Office of Doug Goyen and speak to our Arlington car accident lawyer for a free phone consultation and a free strategy session regarding your personal injury case. The strategy session includes a summary of your case, identifying the legal issues involved in your case, and identification of those legal issues that will help maximize your recovery in your personal injury case. We will email a copy of this strategy session to you for you to keep.


Arlington, Texas is located in Tarrant County and has a 2019 estimated population of 398,854 people. The city is the seventh-largest city in Texas. The Law Office of Doug Goyen provides services to the Arlington area as well as all of Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, and the surrounding cities. We proudly represent personal injury cases for people in Arlington, Texas who have been injured in car accidents

Car Accident Injury Resources in Arlington, Texas

If you are visiting Arlington, Texas, and are involved in an auto accident, you may find yourself in need of temporary lodging and food due to the accident and need to stay in Arlington for an extended period of time as a result of the accident. Arlington has the following restaurants, hotels, and activities.
Hotels in Arlington, Texas
Live! by Loews - Arlington, Texas - 1600 E Randol Mill Rd, Arlington, TX 76011.
Days Inn by Wyndham Arlington Six Flags/AT&T Stadium - 910 N Collins St, Arlington, TX 76011.
The Sanford House Inn & Spa - 506 N Center St, Arlington, TX 76011.
Lux Hotel and Spa Trademark Collection by Wyndham - 117 S Watson Rd, Arlington, TX 76010.
Courtyard by Marriott Dallas Arlington/Entertainment District - 1500 Nolan Ryan Expy, Arlington, TX 76011.
Restaurants in Arlington, Texas
Pioneer Restaurant - 306 109th St, Arlington, TX 76011.
Twisted Root Burger Co. - 310 E Abram St #100, Arlington, TX 76010.
Restaurant506 - 506 N Center St #7145, Arlington, TX 76011.
Grease Monkey Burger Shop - 200 N Mesquite St #103, Arlington, TX 76011.
Flying Fish - 300 E Abram St, Arlington, TX 76010.
Attractions in Arlington, Texas
Six Flags Over Texas - 2201 E Road to Six Flags St, Arlington, TX 76011.
Globe Life Park in Arlington - 1000 Ballpark Way, Arlington, TX 76011.
Ripley's Believe It or Not! - 601 E Palace Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX 75050.
River Legacy Parks - 701 NW Green Oaks Blvd, Arlington, TX 76006.
Hurricane Harbor Arlington - 1800 E Lamar Blvd, Arlington, TX 76006.


Our office is conveniently located off the North Dallas Tollway a few miles from the Galleria. We are located in the Madison Business Center at 15851 Dallas Pkwy #605, Addison, Texas 75001. Directions to our office from Arlington, Texas are as follows: I-30 towards Dallas. Once at downtown Dallas take I-35 north, then exit Tollway North past I 635, from the tollway, exit Keller Springs Road – stay in the far left lane, take a u-turn under the tollway on to the Parkway, our office is the second building on your right. The Madison Business Center.

By Doug Goyen,

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Client Reviews
You want a great lawyer who keeps you informed on whats going on speaks with you personally and gets the job done call Doug Goyen. He is excellent & very professional you wont go wrong choosing him!! Thanks again for all your help Mr. Goyen! Socorro V.
Very efficient staff. I am VERY pleased with this firm. Gina W.
Very professional job handling my accident claim. I had some ER bills, and some visits to my ortho after (and various other bills that kept coming in). I was afraid I was going to get stuck owing money, but Doug Goyen took care of the case and had everything paid, including compensating me for the injury. Great lawyer IMO. I felt like my case was taken care of very well. Thx!! Bernard M.
Doug is a great attorney. He took care of my auto accident claim promptly, and answered any questions I had. I also had one of my hospital bills go into collections for non-payment. I was able to contact Doug a year after the accident, and received a copy of the check the hospital claimed they didn’t receive. I highly recommend this guy. David J.
The Law Office of Doug Goyen helped me recovery every bit I was owed on my claim. Very happy I used them. They knew what they were doing, and kept me informed. I felt taken care of the whole way. You wont go wrong using them. Arthur H.
Mr. Goyen helped me take on my own insurance company, the great and mighty Allstate. My prior firm basically dumped me, with a permanent injury because the case didn’t meet their financial guidelines for a settlement. I was a bicycle rider hit by a car driver at an intersection, and Allstate was the company on BOTH SIDES OF THE CLAIM. My own insurance company tried to throw me under the bus to limit their payout! Without Mr. Goyen’s help, I would have been left with NOTHING! I had thousands of dollars in unpaid medical bills, unable to receive treatment to correct the issue. He was unafraid and helped me get the best settlement I could … I am tremendously thankful! Pamala M.
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